Music Educates...Lessons
MusicNow hosts individual and group lessons each month for beginners through advanced to learn guitar, fiddle, or ukulele. Join in the fun with others learning to develop your talents and further your musical journey. Learn by doing at our two picking parties.

Guitar Lessons
Mondays 10 am - 5 pm
Tuesdays 2 - 5:30 pm
Instructor Dan Stevens
$25/30 minute lesson
Contact Dan at
Picking Party
Every Tuesday, 6 pm - 8 pm
Bring your instrument (guitar, fiddle, banjo, ukulele or just your voice) to Nightingale's. Meet some new friends and share songs, classics or originals. All levels are welcome! $5 donation.
Music Enriches...Workshops
- Sat, Sep 23Nightingale's Acoustic Café

Music Engages...
Instruments for Kids
Looking for an instrument for your child? Let us know what you are looking for! Have an instrument collecting dust? Donate your closet bound instruments to MusicNow for all kids to have access to music!
Need an instrument? Have an instrument?
Please let us know what you need or what you have to give.
Music E'nspires...Mentorships
"Music is a more potent instrument than any other for education, because rhythm and harmony find their way into the inward spaces of the soul."